Online business department
We creates perfect memories for customers.
Presenting memories for your loved ones, for myself. DCT’s online business department provides various products which enables for you to produce and own your exclusive photo product more easily and more conveniently by using TAOPIX, a world’s largest photo solution. Let’s share photo book/calendar/various goods at DCT’s allbom and PICSAUS. In addition, we are preparing the commercialization of B2C various DCT’s future based on online, please pay attention to it.
Design processes
for customer satisfaction
A simple editing using TAOPIX, the world's largest photo solution for shopping malls, where you can make various calendars, tumblers, and goods by yourself for your precious records, Let's enjoy all the goods that can be checked directly in 3D at once! VIEW MOREPICSAUS
I make my own photo book that brings back memories! If you don't have time to make a photo book in your busy life, or if you're not confident to edit it yourself! Also, if you want to make a photo book at a meeting/group, but want to order it easily! VIEW MORE